One of the queries we receive repeatedly is how long the trademark registration lasts in Argentina. We answer the FAQs below.
How long does the Trademark Registration last for in Argentina?
Trademarks in Argentina are protected through their registration in the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI). The trademark registration process can take between 12 to 24 months until it is granted. Once the trademark is registered by the Institute, it has a duration of 10 years from that moment.
How many times can the trademark be renewed in Argentina?
The trademark can be renewed by its owner indefinitely, provided that it has been used in the five (5) years prior to the date of each expiration.
When can I submit my trademark renewal in Argentina?
The renewal of the trademark can be filed up to six (6) months before its expiration occurs or up to six (6) months after said date.
In case of requesting the renewal within six (6) months after the expiration, additional fees must be paid to the renewal fee.
Is it necessary to present any Mid Term Declaration of Use?
Yes, INPI’s Resolution 123/2019 determined that those owners of registered trademarks that have been granted as of January 12, 2013 must present what is known as the Mid Term Declaration of Use, once the fifth year since the trademark was registered.
How do I know when I have to renew my trademark?
The trademark expires 10 years from the granting of the registration. Hiring our services we send you an alert so you know when you have to renew it.
Are you ready to obtain the protection of your trademarks in Argentina? Contact us.