Trademarks in Argentina are registered before the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI). The process may take between 12 to 24 months. In order to file a trademark in this country, there are some formal requirements that must be fulfilled. Requirements such as information on the applicant, documentation, Power of Attorney and products and/or services will be required. Read more about the formal requirements to file a trademark in Argentina.
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How to file a trademark in Argentina?
- Trademark classification
Argentina uses the Nice Classification for the purpose of trademark registration and does not accept multi-class filings. Therefore, you must determine the classes in accordance with said classification.
- Verify whether the trademark is not included in the impediments to register a trademark in Argentina.
- Contact us.
We will send you a payment link and ask for the required information. Read here the formal requirements to file a trademark in Argentina.
- Filing
Once we receive the payment, documentation and information on the trademark and the applicant, we file the trademark.
- Follow up
The trademark registration process goes through different instances until it is granted. In case of receiving oppositions or observations, we will notify you.
- Trademark registration
In case INPI registers the trademark, we take care of processing your Digital Title of Brand Ownership and we will send it to you by mail. You will also be able to print it in case you want to keep a physical copy.
- Trademark surveillance
At Legal Core Group we take care of trademark surveillance. What does this mean? Thefore, we will notify you when it is time to file a Mid Term Sworn Declaration of Use, whether there are applications similar to yours and when it is time to renew the trademark.
How much does it cost to file a trademark in Argentina?
Contact us to receive our fees schedule.