In Argentina, the principle “First to file” rules trademark law. This means that whoever first applied for their trademark before the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) has the priority in its registry. Contact us if you want to know if a trademark is registered in Argentina or otherwise, it is available for registration.
Trademark classification
The first step in order to find out if your brand is already registered in Argentina is to classify the products and/or services that you offer or plan to offer with that trademark. You don’t know how it works? Find out below.
In terms of trademarks, products and services in Argentina are classified into “classes” according to the Nice Classification. Altogether, there are 45 classes. 34 of them include products whether 11 of them include services.
There are cases where it is necessary or recommended to register the trademark in more than one class.
What happens if a trademark is already registered in Argentina?
If your trademark is already registered, you may be faced with different circumstances or possible alternatives. Each case is particular, which is why we suggest you seek professional advice to analyze the best way to move forward. If you need professional advice, contact us.
Are you ready to register your trademarks in Argentina?
Trademark registration in Argentina may take between 12-24 months. Therefore, we suggest you to start with the trademark search and registration process as soon as possible.
If you want to protect your intangibles in this country, contact us to start with the registration process.