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Trademark filing in Argentina - Legal Core Group

Trademark filing in Argentina

At Legal Core Group we offer legal services in relation to Intellectual Property Law. We answer below the FAQs regarding Trademark filing in Argentina.

Trademark filing in Argentina

How to file a trademark in Argentina?

Trademarks in Argentina are filed before the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI). Argentina Trademark Act No. 22,362 adopts an attributive system, which means that the trademark owner only acquires full protection with its registration.
An application must be filed for each class of protection, as Argentina does not accept multi-class filings. Learn how to file a trademark in Argentina here.

What are the requirements to file a trademark in Argentina?

In order to file a trademark in Argentina, we will need a Power Of Attorney, representation of the trademark, description of the goods and/or services and owner information. Read here the formal requirements to file a trademark in Argentina.

How much does it cost to file a trademark in Argentina?

Contact us to receive our fees schedule within 24 hours.

Can a foreign file a trademark in Argentina?

Yes, foreigns (both individuals and companies) can register trademarks in Argentina. At Legal Core Group we specialize in advising clients from abroad regarding the protection of their intangibles assets in South America.

Can I claim priority when filing a trademark in Argentina?

Yes, it is possible to claim priority in Argentina.

Does Argentina accept non-traditional trademarks?

Yes, Argentina accepts traditional and non-traditional trademarks (olfactory, sensory, trade dress, etc).

Additional information

INPI will normally register a trademark within 12-16 months after filing the application. However, this may vary depending on the circumstances of the case (i.e. if third parties file oppositions or the office makes observations).

Contact us to begin your trademark registration process in Argentina.

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If you are looking to register trademarks in Argentina, contact us.