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how to register a trademark in Peru - Legal Core Group

How to register a trademark in Peru?

In Peru, the authority in charge of protecting trademark law is the National Institute for the Defense of Competition and the Protection of Intellectual Property (INDECOPI). INDECOPI makes decisions on trademark registration and makes you its sole owner and authorized person to use it in the territory of said country. Therefore, if you want to expand your business to Peru and protect your trademarks there, you should register your trademarks with INDECOPI.

What should I take into account to register my trademark in Peru?

To register your trademark in Peru, you have to take into account that this country is part of the Nice Agreement. This Agreement is a treaty that establishes an international classification for Trademarks. To register yours, you need to identify in which classes are the products or services that you are going to market in Peru.

How can I establish my trademark in Peru?

There are many ways in which you can materialize your trademark: it can be made up of one word or several. It can also be made up of symbols, images, logos, figures, graphics, smells, sounds, letters and numbers, among others.

Is Peru part of the Madrid Protocol?

Unfortunately, no, Peru is not part of the Madrid Protocol for the registration of trademarks. Therefore, you must file your application locally, before INDECOPI.

Is Peru part of the Paris convention?

Yes, Peru is one of the 177 countries member of the Paris Convention. Therefore, is is possible for you to claim priority in this country.

How long does the trademark protection last for in Peru?

The validity of a trademark registration in Peru is 10 (ten) years, renewable for subsequent periods of 10 (ten) years.

How much does the filing of a trademark in Peru cost?

If you want to protect your trademarks in Peru, ask us for a quote.

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