Top 5 common mistakes when registering a trademark in Argentina
If you are looking to register a trademark in Argentina, read about the top 5 common mistakes when filing an application in this country.
If you are looking to register a trademark in Argentina, read about the top 5 common mistakes when filing an application in this country.
Which are the requirements to file a trademark in Argentina before the National Institute of Industrial Property?
If you own a Software company looking to expand to Argentina, read this article to learn how Software is protected in this country.
If you have a trademark registered in Argentina and need to renew its protection, read this post on the requirements for its renewal.
If you wish to register your trademarks in Argentina, read in this post about the “Trademark opposition system in Argentina”.
If you wish to register your trademark in Argentina, find out in this post how long does the Trademark Registration last for in this country.
If you own a business expanding to Latam and wish to knwo how to register a trademark in Argentina from abroad, read this post.
Are you wondering which are the reasons to register your trademark in Argentina? In this post you will find the reasons.
If you are you considering to register your trademark in Argentina, there are some grounds for rejection to take into account.